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This manual is designed for those who wish to develop Aspell.  It is
currently very sketchy.  However, it should improve over time.  The
latest version of this document can be found at

* Menu:

* Style Guidelines::
* How to Submit a Patch::
* C++ Standard Library::
* Templates::
* Error Handling::
* Source Code Layout ::
* Strings::
* Smart Pointers::
* I/O::
* Config Class::
* Filter Interface::
* Filter Modes::
* Data Structures::
* Mk-Src Script::
* How It All Works::
* Copying::

File:,  Node: Style Guidelines,  Next: How to Submit a Patch,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top

1 Style Guidelines

* Style Guidelines:: * How to Submit a Patch:: * C++ Standard Library::
* Templates:: * Error Handling:: * Source Code Layout :: * Strings:: *
Smart Pointers:: * I/O:: * Config Class:: * Filter Interface:: * Filter
Modes:: * Data Structures:: * Mk-Src Script:: * How It All Works:: *

   As far as coding styles go I am really not that picky.  The important
thing is to stay consistent.  However, please whatever you do, do not
indent with more than 4 characters as I find indenting with more than
that extremely difficult to read as most of the code ends up on the
right side of the screen.

File:,  Node: How to Submit a Patch,  Next: C++ Standard Library,  Prev: Style Guidelines,  Up: Top

2 How to Submit a Patch

Bug reports and patches should be submitted via the Sourceforge Tracker
at `' rather than being
posted to any of the mailing lists.

   The mailing lists are good if you need to check something out or need
help or feedback from other readers, but they are not the best place to
submit bugs or patches because they will likely get forgotten or lost
within the mailing list traffic if not acted upon immediately.

   Please make the effort to use the tracker.

File:,  Node: C++ Standard Library,  Next: Templates,  Prev: How to Submit a Patch,  Up: Top

3 C++ Standard Library

The C++ Standard library is not used directly except under very
specific circumstances.  The string class and the STL are used
indirectly through wrapper classes and all I/O is done using the
standard C library with light right helper classes to make using C I/O
a bit more C++ like.

   However the `new', `new[]', `delete' and `delete[]' operators are
used to allocate memory when appropriate.

File:,  Node: Templates,  Next: Error Handling,  Prev: C++ Standard Library,  Up: Top

4 Templates

Templates are used in Aspell when there is a clear advantage to doing
so.  Whenever you use templates please use them carefully and try very
hard not to create code bloat by generating a lot of unnecessary and
duplicate code.

File:,  Node: Error Handling,  Next: Source Code Layout,  Prev: Templates,  Up: Top

5 Error Handling

Exceptions are not used in Aspell as I find them more trouble than they
are worth.  Instead an alternate method of error handling is used which
is based around the PosibErr class.  PosibErr is a special Error
handling device that will make sure that an error is properly handled.
It is defined in `posib_err.hpp'.  PosibErr is expected to be used as
the return type of the function. It will automatically be converted to
the "normal" return type however if the normal returned type is
accessed and there is an "unhandled" error condition it will abort. It
will also abort if the object is destroyed with an "unhandled" error
condition.  This includes ignoring the return type of a function
returning an error condition.  An error condition is handled by simply
checking for the presence of an error, calling ignore, or taking
ownership of the error.

   The PosibErr class is used extensively throughout Aspell.  Please
refer to the Aspell source for examples of using PosibErr until better
documentation is written.

File:,  Node: Source Code Layout,  Next: Strings,  Prev: Error Handling,  Up: Top

6 Source Code Layout

     Common code used by all parts of Aspell.

     Library code used only by the actual Aspell library.

     Data files used by Aspell.

     Aspell modules which are eventually meant to be pluggable.


               Main speller Module.



     Scripts and data files to automatically generate code used by

     Header files and such that external programs should use when in
     order to use the Aspell library.
          The external C interface that programs should be using when
          they wish to use Aspell.

     Actual programs based on the Aspell library. The main Aspell
     utility is included here.

     Miscellaneous scripts used by Aspell.


     Example programs demonstrating the use of the Aspell library.

File:,  Node: Strings,  Next: Smart Pointers,  Prev: Source Code Layout,  Up: Top

7 Strings

7.1 String

The `String' class provided the same functionality of the C++ string
except for fewer constructors.  It also inherits `OStream' so that you
can write to it with the `<<' operator.  It is defined in `string.hpp'.

7.2 ParmString

ParmString is a special string class that is designed to be used as a
parameter for a function that is expecting a string.  It is defined in
`parm_string.hpp'.  It will allow either a `const char *' or `String'
class to be passed in.  It will automatically convert to a `const char
*'.  The string can also be accessed via the `str' method.  Usage

void foo(ParmString s1, ParmString s2) {
   const char * str0 = s1;
   unsigned int size0 = s2.size()
   if (s1 == s2 || s2 == "bar") {
String s1 = "...";
const char * s2 = "...";

   This class should be used when a string is being passed in as a
parameter.  It is faster than using `const String &' (as that will
create an unnecessary temporary when a `const char *' is passed in),
and is less annoying than using `const char *' (as it doesn't require
the `c_str()' method to be used when a `String' is passed in).

7.3 CharVector

A character vector is basically a `Vector<char>' but it has a few
additional methods for dealing with strings which `Vector' does not
provide.  It, like `String', is also inherits `OStream' so that you can
write to it with the `<<' operator.  It is defined in
`char_vector.hpp'.  Use it when ever you need a string which is
guaranteed to be in a continuous block of memory which you can write to.

File:,  Node: Smart Pointers,  Next: I/O,  Prev: Strings,  Up: Top

8 Smart Pointers

Smart pointers are used extensively in Aspell to simplify memory
management tasks and to avoid memory leaks.

8.1 CopyPtr

The `CopyPtr' class makes a deep copy of an object whenever it is
copied.  The `CopyPtr' class is defined in `copy_ptr.hpp'.  This header
should be included wherever `CopyPtr' is used.  The complete definition
of the object `CopyPtr' is pointing to does not need to be defined at
this point.  The implementation is defined in `copy_ptr-t.hpp'.  The
implementation header file should be included at a point in your code
where the class `CopyPtr' is pointing to is completely defined.

8.2 ClonePtr

`ClonePtr' is like copy pointer except the `clone()' method is used
instead of the copy constructor to make copies of an object.  If is
defined in `clone_ptr.hpp' and implemented in `clone_ptr-t.hpp'.

8.3 StackPtr

A `StackPtr' is designed to be used whenever the only pointer to a new
object allocated with `new' is on the stack.  It is similar to the
standard C++ `auto_ptr' but the semantics are a bit different.  It is
defined in `stack_ptr.hpp' -- unlike `CopyPtr' or `ClonePtr' it is
defined and implemented in this header file.

8.4 GenericCopyPtr

A generalized version of `CopyPtr' and `ClonePtr' which the two are
based on.  It is defined in `generic_copy_ptr.hpp' and implemented in

File:,  Node: I/O,  Next: Config Class,  Prev: Smart Pointers,  Up: Top

9 I/O

Aspell does not use C++ I/O classes and functions in any way since they
do not provide a way to get at the underlying file number and can often
be slower than the highly tuned C I/O functions found in the standard C
library.  However, some lightweight wrapper classes are provided so
that standard C I/O can be used in a more C++ like way.

9.1 IStream/OStream

These two base classes mimic some of the functionally of the C++
functionally of the corresponding classes.  They are defined in
`istream.hpp' and `ostream.hpp' respectively.  They are however based
on standard C I/O and are not proper C++ streams.

9.2 FStream

Defined in `fstream.hpp'.

9.3 Standard Streams

`CIN'/`COUT'/`CERR'.  Defined in `iostream.hpp'.

File:,  Node: Config Class,  Next: Filter Interface,  Prev: I/O,  Up: Top

10 Config Class

The `Config' class is used to hold configuration information.  It has a
set of keys which it will accept.  Inserting or even trying to look at
a key that it does not know will produce an error.  It is defined in

File:,  Node: Filter Interface,  Next: Filter Modes,  Prev: Config Class,  Up: Top

11 Filter Interface

11.1 Overview

In Aspell there are 5 types of filters:
  1. _Decoders_ which take input in some standard format such as
     iso8859-1 or UTF-8 and convert it into a string of `FilterChars'.

  2. _Decoding filters_ which manipulate a string of `FilterChars' by
     decoding the text is some way such as converting an SGML character
     into its Unicode value.

  3. _True filters_ which manipulate a string of `FilterChars' to make
     it more suitable for spell checking.  These filters generally
     blank out text which should not be spell checked

  4. _Encoding filters_ which manipulate a string of `FilterChars' by
     encoding the text in some way such as converting certain Unicode
     characters to SGML characters.

  5. _Encoders_ which take a string of `FilterChars' and convert into a
     standard format such as iso8859-1 or UTF-8

   Which types of filters are used depends on the situation
  1. When _decoding words_ for spell checking:
        * The _decoder_ to convert from a standard format

        * The _decoding filter_ to perform high level decoding if

        * The _encoder_ to convert into an internal format used by the
          speller module

  2. When _checking a document_
        * The _decoder_ to convert from a standard format

        * The _decoding filter_ to perform high level decoding if

        * A _true filter_ to filter out parts of the document which
          should not be spell checked

        * The _encoder_ to convert into an internal format used by the
          speller module

  3. When _encoding words_ such as those returned for suggestions:
        * The _decoder_ to convert from the internal format used by the
          speller module

        * The _encoding filter_ to perform high level encodings if

        * The _encoder_ to convert into a standard format

   A `FilterChar' is a struct defined in `common/filter_char.hpp' which
contains two members, a character, and a width.  Its purpose is to keep
track of the width of the character in the original format.  This is
important because when a misspelled word is found the exact location of
the word needs to be returned to the application so that it can
highlight it for the user.  For example if the filters translated this:

Mr. foo said &quot;I hate my namme&quot;.

   to this

Mr. foo said "I hate my namme".

   without keeping track of the original width of the characters the
application  will likely highlight `e my '  as the misspelling because
the spell checker will return 25 as the offset  instead of 30.
However with keeping track of the width using `FilterChar' the  spell
checker  will know that the real position is 30 since the quote is
really 6 characters  wide.   In particular the text will be annotated
something like the following:

Mr. foo said "I hate my namme".

   The standard _encoder_ and _decoder_ filters are defined in
`common/convert.cpp'.  There should generally not be any need to deal
with them so they will not be discussed here.  The other three filters,
the _encoding filter_, the _true filter_, and the _decoding filter_,
are all defined the exact same way; they are inherited from the
`IndividualFilter' class.

11.2 Adding a New Filter

A new filter basically is added by placing the corresponding loadable
object inside a directory reachable by Aspell via `filter-path' list.
Further it is necessary that the corresponding filter description file
is located in one of the directories listed by the `option-path' list.

   The name of the loadable object has to conform to the following
convention `' where `filtername' stands for the
name of the filter which is passed to Aspell by the `add-filter'
option.  The same applies to the filter description file which has to
conform to the following naming scheme: `filtername-filter.opt'.

   To add a new loadable filter object create a new file.

   Basically the file should be a C++ file and end in `.cpp'.  The file
should contain a new filter class inherited from `IndividualFilter' and
a constructor function called `new_filtertype' (see *Note Constructor
Function::) returning a new filter object.  Further it is necessary to
manually generate the filter description file.  Finally the resulting
object has to be turned into a loadable filter object using libtool.

   Alternatively a new filter may extend the functionality of an
existing filter. In this case the new filter has to be derived form the
corresponding valid filter class instead of the `IndividualFilter'

11.3 IndividualFilter class

All filters are required to inherit from the `IndividualFilter' class
found in `indiv_filter.hpp'.  See that file for more details and the
other filter modules for examples of how it is used.

11.4 Constructor Function

After the class is created a function must be created which will return
a new filter allocated with `new'.  The function must have the
following prototype:
     C_EXPORT IndividualFilter * new_aspell_FILTERNAME_FILTERTYPE

   Filters are defined in groups where each group contains an _encoding
filter_, a _true filter_, and a _decoding filter_ (see *Note Filter
Overview::).  Only one of them is required to be defined, however they
all need a separate constructor function.

11.5 Filter Description File

This file contains the description of a filter which is loaded by
Aspell immediately when the `add-filter' option is invoked.  If this
file is missing Aspell will complain about it.  It consists of lines
containing comments which must be started by a `#' character and lines
containing key value pairs describing the filter.  Each file at least
has to contain the following two lines in the given order.

     ASPELL >=0.60
     DESCRIPTION this is short filter description

   The first non blank, non comment line has to contain the keyword
`ASPELL' followed by the version of Aspell which the filter is usable
with.  To denote multiple Aspell versions the version number may be
prefixed by ``<'', ``<='', ``='', ``>='' or ``>'.  If the range prefix
is omitted ``='' is assumed.  The `DESCRIPTION' of the filter should be
under 50, begin in lower case, and note include any trailing
punctuation characters.  The keyword `DESCRIPTION' may be abbreviated
by `DESC'.

   For each filter feature (see *Note Filter Overview::) provided by the
corresponding loadable object, the option file has to contain the
following line:
     STATIC `filtertype'
   `filtertype' stands for one of `decoder', `filter' or `encoder'
denoting the entire filter type.  This line allows to statically (see
*Note Link Filters Static::) link the filter into Aspell if requested
by the user or by the system Aspell is built for.

     OPTION newoption
     DESCRIPTION this is a short description of newoption
     TYPE bool
     DEFAULT false

   An option is added by a line containing the keyword `OPTION'
followed by the name of the option.  If this name is not prefixed by
the name of the filter Aspell will implicitly do that.  For the
`DESCRIPTION' of a filter option the same holds as for the filter
description.  The `TYPE' of the option may be one of `bool', `int',
`string' or `list'.  If the `TYPE' is omitted `bool' is assumed.  The
default value(s) for an option is specified via `DEFAULT' (short `DEF')
followed by the desired `TYPE' dependent default value.  The table
*Note Filter Default Values:: shows the possible values for each `TYPE'.

Type     Default   Available
bool     true      true false
int      0         any number value
string             any printable string
list               any comma separated list of strings

   Table 1. Shows the default values Aspell assumes if option
`description' lacks a `DEFAULT' or `DEF' line.

   The `ENDOPTION' line may be omitted as it is assumed implicitly if a
line containing `OPTION', `STATIC'.

     *Note* The keywords in a filter description file are case
     insensitive.  The above examples use the all uppercase for better
     distinguishing them from values and comments.  Further a filter
     description may contain blank lines to enhance their readability.

     *Note* An option of `list' type may contain multiple consecutive
     lines for default values starting with `DEFAULT' or `DEF', to
     specify numerous default values.

11.6 Retrieve Options by a Filter

An option always has to be retrieved by a filter using its full
qualified name as the following example shows.


   The prefix `filter-' allows user to relate option uniquely to the
specific filter when `filtername-newoption' ambiguous an existing
option of Aspell.  The `filtername' stands for the name of the filter
the option belongs to and `-newoption' is the name of the option as
specified in the corresponding `.opt' file (see *Note Filter
Description File::

11.7 Compiling and Linking

See a good book on Unix programming on how to turn the filter source
into a loadable object.

11.8 Programmer's Interface

A more convenient way recommended, if filter is added to Aspell
standard distribution to build a new filter is provided by Aspell's
programmers interface for filter.  It is provided by the
`loadable-filter-API.hpp' file.  Including this file gives access to a
collection of macros hiding nasty details about runtime construction of
a filter and about filter debugging.  Table *Note Interface Macros::
shows the macros provided by the interface.  For details upon the
entire macros see `loadable-filter-API.hpp'.  An example on how to use
these macros can be found at `examples/loadable/ccpp-context.hpp' and

Macro              Type Description              Notes
ACTIVATE_ENCODER   M    makes the entire         do not call inside
                        encoding filter          class declaration;
                        callable by Aspell       these macros define
ACTIVATE_DECODER   M    makes the entire         _as above_
                        decoding filter
                        callable by Aspell
ACTIVATE_FILTER    M    makes the entire filter  _as above_
                        callable by Aspell
FDEBUGOPEN         D    Initialises the macros   These macros are only
                        for debugging a filter   active if the
                        and opens the debug      `FILTER_PROGRESS_CONTROL'
                        file stream              macro is defined and
                                                 denotes the name of the
                                                 file debug messages
                                                 should be sent to.

                                                    If debugging should
                                                 go to Aspell standard
                                                 debugging output (right
                                                 now stderr) use empty
                                                 string constant as
FDEBUGNOTOPEN      D    Same as "FDEBUGOPEN" but _as above_
                        only if debug file
                        stream was not opened
FDEBUGCLOSE        D    closes the debugging     _as above_
                        device opened by
                        "FDEBUGOPEN" and
                        reverts it to "stderr";
FDEBUG             D    prints the filename and  _as above_
                        the line number it
FDEBUGPRINTF       D    special printf for       _as above_

   Table 2. Shows the macros provided by `loadable-filter-API.hpp' (*M*
mandatory, *D* debugging)

11.9 Adding a filter to Aspell standard distribution

Any filter which one day should be added to Aspell has to be built
using the developer interface, described in *Note Programmer's
Interface::.  To add the filter the following steps have to be

  1. Decide whether the filter should be kept loadable if possible, or
     always be statically linked to Aspell.

  2.  Place the filter sources inside the entire directory of Aspell
     source tree.  Right now use `$top_srcdir/modules/filter'.

  3. Modify the `' file on the topmost directory of the
     Aspell distribution.  Follow the instructions given by the
     `#Filter Modules' section.

  4. Run `autoconf', `automake', ...

  5. Reconfigure sources.

  6.  Clear away any remains of a previous build and rebuild sources.

  7.  Reinstall Aspell.

  8.  Test if filter has been added properly otherwise return to steps

  9. Reconfigure sources with `enable-static' flag and repeat steps 2-7
     until your filter builds and runs properly in case of static

 10. Add your source files to cvs, and commit all your changes.  Or in
     case you are not allowed to commit to cvs submit a patch (see
     *Note How to Submit a Patch::) containing your changes.

File:,  Node: Filter Modes,  Next: Data Structures,  Prev: Filter Interface,  Up: Top

12 Filter Modes

Filter modes are the preferred way to specify combinations of filters
which are used regularly and thus abbreviate Aspell's command line

   A new filter mode is specified by a file named like the filter new
mode and prefixed by `.amf' (Aspell Mode File). If such a file is
accessible by the path set via filter-path option Aspell will try to
load the contained mode specification.

12.1 Aspell Mode File

The first key in the made file has be the `mode' key.  It is checked
against the mode name part of the .amf file.  If the `mode' key is
missing mode file will be rejected.

   The same holds for the `aspell' key which specifies the version(s)
of Aspell which is(are) required by the filter.

   If these two keys are followed by at least one `magic' key Aspell
will be able to select the entire mode from extension and if required
from contents of the file to spell implicitly.

   The last key of the required keys is the `des[c[ription]]' key. It
gives a short description of the filter mode which will displayed when
type `aspell help'.

   The rest of the file consists of the keys `filter' and `option' to
load filters are set various options.

12.1.1 Version Line

Each version line must start with `aspell' and be followed by a
version, optionally prefixed by a relational operator. The relation
operator can be one of `<', `<=', `=', `>=' or '>' for allowing Aspell
version with version number being lower, lower or equal, equal to,
greater or equal or greater than required version number, respectfully.
If the relation operator is omitted `=' is assumed.

12.1.2 Magic Line

The magic line contains a description which requirements files have to
fulfill in order to implicitly activate the entire mode at least one
such line is required.  Each magic line has the following format:
     MAGIC /<magic key>/<fileextention>[/<fileextention>]

   The magic key consist of three `:' separated fields.  The first two
are byte counts the last is a regular expression.  The first byte count
indicates the first byte the regular expression will be applied to the
second byte count indicates the number of bytes to test against the
regular expression.

   If mode selection should only occurred on basis of the listed file
extensions the magic key should consist of the "<noregex>" special

   At least one <fileextention> is required per MAGIC line.
<fileextention> may not be empty and should not contain a leading `.'
as this is assumed implicitly.

   Multiple MAGIC lines are allowed. Modes may be extended limited by
additional <label>.amf files located in -filter-path Thus file
extensions may be prefixed by `+' or `-' to indicate that the entire
extension has to be added ore removed from this <magic key> if neither
is specified than a `+' is assumed implicitly.

12.1.3 Description Line

The required description line will be printed when typing `aspell
help'.  Keep it as short as possible.  Possible abbreviations are `des'
and `desc'.

12.1.4 Filter and Option Lines

The `filter' and `option' keys load filters and set filter options.

   The value of the `filter' key is equal to the value of Aspell's
`[add|rem]-filter' option.

   Each `option' line has the following format:

       OPTION <option> [<value>]

   The format of the <option> and <value> is the same format as found
in the Aspell configuration file.

File:,  Node: Data Structures,  Next: Mk-Src Script,  Prev: Filter Modes,  Up: Top

13 Data Structures

Whenever possible you should try to use one of the data structures
available.  If the data structures do not provide enough functionality
for your needs you should consider enhancing them rather than writing
something from scratch.

13.1 Vector

The `vector' class is defined in `vector.hpp' and works the same way as
the standard STL `vector' does except that it doesn't have as many

13.2 BasicList

`BasicList' is a simple list structure which can either be implemented
as a singly or doubly linked list.  It is defined in `basic_list.hpp'.

13.3 StringMap

`StringMap' is a associative array for strings.  You should try to use
this when ever possible to avoid code bloat.  It is defined in

13.4 Hash Tables

Several hash tables are provided when `StringMap' is not appropriate.
These hash tables provide a `hash_set', `hash_multiset', `hash_map' and
`hash_multimap' which are very similar to SGI's STL implementation with
a few exceptions.  It is defined in `hash.hpp'.

13.5 BlockSList

`BlockSList' provided a pool of nodes which can be used for singly
linked lists.  It is defined in `block_slist.hpp'.

File:,  Node: Mk-Src Script,  Next: How It All Works,  Prev: Data Structures,  Up: Top

14 Mk-Src Script

A good deal of interface code is automatically generated by the
`' Perl script.  I am doing it this way to avoid having to
write a lot of relative code for the C++ interface.  This should also
make adding interface for other languages a lot less tedious and will
allow the interface to automatically take advantage of new Aspell
functionality as it is made available.  The `' script uses
`' as its input.


NOTE: This section may not always be up to date since it is manually
converted from the pod source.

   The format of `' is as follows:

    The following characters are literals: { } / '\ ' \n = >

    <items> := (<item>\n)+
    <items> := <category>:\ <name> {\n<details>\n} | <<tab>><details>
    <details> := <options>\n /\n <items>
    <options> := (<option>\n)*
    <option> := <key> [=> <value>]

    <<tab>> means everything should be indented by one tab

   See MkSrc::Info for a description of the categories and options

14.2 MkSrc::Info


   The info array contains information on how to process the info in
`'. It has the following layout

    <catagory> => options => []
                  groups => [] # if undef than anything is accepted
                  creates_type => "" # the object will create a new type
                                     # as specified
                  proc => <impl type> => sub {}
     where <impl type> is one of:

    cc: for "aspell.h" header file
    cxx: for C++ interface implemented on top of cc interface
    native: for creation of header files used internally by aspell
    impl: for defination of functions declared in cc interface.
          the definations use the native hedaer files
    native_impl: for implementations of stuff declared in the native
                  header files
     each proc sub should take the following argv

    $data: a subtree of $master_data
     <options> is one of:

    desc: description of the object
    posib err: the method may return an error condition
    c func:
    const: the method is a const member
    c only: only include in the external interface
    c impl headers: extra headers that need to be included in the C impl
    c impl: use this as the c impl instead of the default
    cxx impl: use this as the cxx impl instead of the default
    returns alt type: the constructor returns some type other than
      the object from which it is a member of
    no native: do not attemt to create a native implementation
    treat as object: treat as a object rather than a pointer
     The `%info' structure is initialized as follows:

    our %info =
     root => {
       options => [],
       groups => ['methods', 'group']},
     methods => {
       # methods is a collection of methods which will be inserted into
       # a class after some simple substation rules.  A $ will be
       # replaced with name of the class.
       options => ['strip', 'prefix', 'c impl headers'],
       groups => undef},
     group => {
       # a group is a colection of objects which should be grouped together
       # this generally means they will be in the same source file
       options => ['no native'],
       groups => ['enum', 'struct', 'union', 'func', 'class', 'errors']},
     enum => {
       # basic C enum
       options => ['desc', 'prefix'],
       creates_type => 'enum'},
     struct => {
       # basic c struct
       options => ['desc', 'treat as object'],
       groups => undef,
       creates_type => 'struct',},
     union => {
       # basic C union
       options => ['desc', 'treat as object'],
       groups => undef,
       creates_type => 'union'},
     class => {
       # C++ class
       options => ['c impl headers'],
       groups => undef,
       creates_type => 'class'},
     errors => {}, # possible errors
     method => {
       # A class method
       options => ['desc', 'posib err', 'c func', 'const',
                   'c only', 'c impl', 'cxx impl'],
       groups => undef},
     constructor => {
       # A class constructor
       options => ['returns alt type', 'c impl', 'desc'],
       groups => 'types'},
     destructor => {
       # A class destructor
       options => [],
       groups => undef},
     In addition to the categories listed above a "methods" category by
be     specified in under the class category. A "methods" category is
created     for each methods group under the name "<methods name>
methods". When     groups is undefined a type name may be specified in
place of a category.


   types contains a master list of all types. This includes basic types
and     ones created in `'. The basic types include:

    'void', 'bool', 'pointer', 'double',
    'string', 'encoded string', 'string obj',
    'char', 'unsigned char',
    'short', 'unsigned short',
    'int', 'unsigned int',
    'long', 'unsigned long'

   `%methods' is used for holding the "methods" information

14.3 MkSrc::Util

This module contains various useful utility functions:
     Returns 0.

     Returns 1.

`cmap EXPR LIST'
     Apply EXPR to each item in LIST and than concatenate the result
     into         a string

`one_of STR LIST'
     Returns true if LIST contains at least one of STR.

`to_upper STR'
     Convert STR to all uppercase and substitute spaces with

`to_lower STR'
     Convert STR to all lowercase and substitute spaces with

`to_mixed STR'
     Convert STR to mixed case where each new word startes with a
      uppercase letter. For example "feed me" would become "FeedMe".

14.4 MkSrc::Read

`read'         Read in `' and return a data structure which
has the         following format:

      <tree> := <options>
                data => <tree>
    where each tree represents an entry in
    The following two options are always provided:
      name: the name of the entry
      type: the catagory or type name
    Additional options are the same as specified in %info

14.5 MKSrc::Create

`create_cc_file PARMS'
     Create a source file.
               Required Parms: type, dir, name, data
               Boolean Parms:  header, cxx
               Optional Parms: namespace (required if cxx), pre_ext,

`create_file FILENAME DATA'
     Writes DATA to FILENAME but only if DATA differs from the content
     of         the file and the string:
               Automatically generated file.

     is present in the existing file if it already exists.

14.6 Code Generation Modes

The code generation modes are currently one of the following:
          cc:     Mode used to create types suitable for C interface
          cc_cxx: Like cc but typenames don't have a leading Aspell prefix
          cxx:    Mode used to create types suitable for CXX interface
          native: Mode in which types are suitable for the internal
          native_no_err: Like Native but with out PosibErr return types

14.7 MkSrc::CcHelper

Helper functions used by interface generation code:
         to_c_return_type ITEM

         c_error_cond ITEM

`make_func NAME @TYPES PARMS ; %ACCUM'
     Creates a function prototype

     Parms can be any of:
                    mode: code generation mode

`call_func NAME @TYPES PARMS ; %ACCUM'
     Return a string to call a func. Will prefix the function with
     return         if the functions returns a non-void type;

     Parms can be any of:
                    mode: code generation mode

`to_type_name ITEM PARMS ; %ACCUM'
     Converts item into a type name.

     Parms can be any of:
               mode: code generation mode
               use_type: include the actual type
               use_name: include the name on the type
               pos: either "return" or "other"

`make_desc DESC ; LEVEL'
     Make a C comment out of DESC optionally indenting it LEVEL spaces.

`make_c_method CLASS ITEM PARMS ; %ACCUM'
     Create the phototype for a C method which is really a function.

     Parms is any of:
               mode:      code generation mode
               no_aspell: if true do not include aspell in the name
               this_name: name for the parameter representing the
                          current object

`call_c_method CLASS ITEM PARMS ; %ACCUM'
     Like make_c_method but instead returns the appropriate string to
          call the function. If the function returns a non-void type
     the         string will be prefixed with a return statement.

`form_c_method CLASS ITEM PARMS ; %ACCUM'
     Like make_c_method except that it returns the array:
               ($func, $data, $parms, $accum)

     which is suitable for passing into make_func. It will return an
         empty array if it can not make a method from ITEM.

`make_cxx_method ITEM PARMS ; %ACCUM'
     Create the phototype for a C++ method.

     Parms is one of:
               mode: code generation mode

File:,  Node: How It All Works,  Next: Part 1 - Compiled Dictionary Format,  Prev: Mk-Src Script,  Up: Top

15 How It All Works

The details of how Aspell really works is a mystery to most users who
want to participate in developing and improving Aspell, so it is best
to fully explain Aspell's core algorithms and data structures to you.

   In explaining these, it is hoped to bring prospective developers up
to speed more quickly and also help you understand the amount of thought
put into this.  In time, you may be able to improve Aspell even more.

   There are many details to explain here, so these will need explaining
in small segments.

* Menu:

* Part 1 - Compiled Dictionary Format::
* Part 2 - Quickly Finding Similar Soundslike::
* Part 3::

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15.1 Part 1 - The Compiled Dictionary Format

In this part you will see how the data is laid out in the compiled
dictionary for Aspell 0.60.  See source file `readonly_ws.cpp'.

   Aspell's main compiled wordlist dictionary file is made as follows:

   * header

   * jump table for editdist 1

   * jump table for editdist 2

   * data block

   * hash table

   There is nothing particularly interesting about the header.  Just a
bunch of meta information.

   The jump tables are described in the next section ...

   Words in the data block are grouped based on the soundslike.  Each
group is as follows:

     <8 bit: offset to next item><8 bit: soundslike size><soundslike>

Each word group is as follows:

     <8 bit: flags><8 bit: offset to next word><8 bit: word size><word><null>
     [<affix info><null>]

   The offset for the final word in each group points to the next word
in the following group.  The offset for the final word and soundslike
group in the dictionary is 0.

   There is some provisions for additional info to be stored with the
word but for simplicity, it's left out here.  If soundslike data is not
used then the soundslike block it not used.

   This format makes it easy to iterate over the data without using the
hash table.

   Each soundslike group can be a maximum of about 256 bytes.  If this
limit is reached then the soundslike group is split. Using 2 bytes for
the soundslike offset would of solved this problem however 256 bytes is
normally sufficient, thus I would of wasted some space by using an
extra byte.  More importantly, Using 2 bytes means I would of had to
worry about alignment issues.

   The soundslike groups are sorted in more or less alphabetic order.

   The hash table is a simple open address hash table.  The key is the
dictionary word in all lowercase form with all accents removed (what is
known as the "clean" form of the word).  The value stored in the table
is a 32-bit offset to the beginning of the word.  A 32-bit integer
offset is used rather than a pointer so that the compiled dictionary
can be mmaped to make loading the dictionary very fast and so that the
memory can be shared between processed, and on 64 bit platforms using
pointers would have doubled the size of the hash table.

   Additional information for each word can be derived from each offset:

     word size: offset - 1
     offset to next word: offset - 2
     flags: offset - 3

   I use helper functions for getting this information.  Doing it this
way rather than having a data structure is slightly evil, but
admittedly, I have my reasons.

   In the next section, you will see how Aspell uses the jump tables to
search the list for _soundslike_ with _edit-distance_ of 1 or 2.

File:,  Node: Part 2 - Quickly Finding Similar Soundslike,  Next: Part 3,  Prev: Part 1 - Compiled Dictionary Format,  Up: How It All Works

15.2 Part 2 - Quickly Finding Similar Soundslike

In order for Aspell to find suggestions for a misspelled word Aspell 1)
creates a list of candidate words, 2) scores them, and 3) returns the
most likely candidates.  One of the ways Aspell finds candidate words
is to look for all words with a soundslike which is of a small edit
distance from the soundslike of the original word.  The edit distance
is the total number of deletions, insertions, exchanges, or adjacent
swaps needed to make one string equivalent to the other. The exact
distance chosen is either 1 or 2 depending on a number of factors.  In
this part I will focus on how Aspell find all such soundslike
efficiently and how the jump tables play a key role.

   This section will focus on how Aspell finds all such soundslike
efficiently and how the jump tables play a key role.

   The naive way to scan the list for all possible soundslike is to
compute the edit-distance of every soundslike in the dictionary and
then keep the ones within the threshold.  This is exactly what Aspell
did prior to 0.60. before a faster method was created.  When a fast
enough edit distance function is used this method turns out not to be
unbearably slow, at least for English, but for other languages, with
large word lists and no soundslike, this can be slow due to the number
of items that need to be scanned.

   Aspell uses a special edit distance function which gives up if the
distance is larger than the threshold, thus making it very fast.  The
basic algorithm is as follows:

     limit_edit_distance(A,B,limit) = ed(A,B,0)
       where ed(A,B,d) = d                              if A & B is empty.
                       = infinity                       if d > limit
                       = ed(A[2..],B[2..], d)           if A[1] == B[1]
                       = min ( ed(A[2..],B[2..], d+1),
                               ed(A,     B[2..], d+1),
                               ed(A[2..],B,      d+1) ) otherwise

   However the algorithm used also allows for swaps and is not
recursive.  Specialized versions are provided for an edit distance of
one and two.  The running time is asymptotically bounded above by
`(3^l)*n' where `l' is the limit and `n' is the maximum of
`strlen(A),strlen(B)'.  Based on informal tests, the `n' does not
really matter and the running time is more like `(3^l)'.

   For complete details on this algorithm see the files `leditdist.hpp'
and `leditdist.cpp' in the source distribution under

   So, by exploiting the properties of `limit_edit_distance' it is
possible to avoid having to look at many of the soundslikes in the
dictionary.  `Limit_edit_distance' is efficient because in many cases,
it does not have to look at the entire word before it can determine
that it isn't within the given threshold, and then by having it return
the last position looked at, _p_, it is possible to avoid having to
look at similar soundslike which are not within the threshold.  That
is, if two soundslike are the same up to the position `p', then neither
of them are within the given threshold.

   Aspell 0.60 exploits this property by using jump tables.  Each entry
in the jump table contains two fields: the first `N' letters of a
soundslike, and an offset.  The entries are sorted in lexicographic
order based on the raw byte value.  Aspell maintains two jump tables.

   The first table contains the first 2 letters of a soundslike and the
offset points into the second jump table.

   The second table contains the first 3 letters of a soundslike where
the offset points to the location of the soundslike in the data block.
The soundslike in the datablock are sorted so that a linear scan can be
used to find all soundslike with the same prefix.  If the
`limit_edit_distance' stops before reaching the end of a _"soundslike"_
in one of the jump tables then it is possible to skip all the
soundslike in the data block with the same prefix.

   Thus, the scan for all _soundslike_ within a given edit distance
goes something like this:

  1. Compare the entry in the first jump table using
     `limit_edit_distance'.  If the `limit_edit_distance' scanned
     passed the end of the word, then go to the first entry in the
     second jump table with the same prefix, otherwise go to the next
     entry in the first jump table and repeat.

  2. Compare the entry in the second jump table.  If the
     `limit_edit_distance'  passed the end of the word, then go to the
     first _soundslike_ in the data block with this prefix, otherwise
     if the first two letters of the next entry are the same as the
     current one go to it and repeat.  If the first two letters are not
     the same then go to the next entry in the first jump table and
     repeat step 1.

  3. Compare the _soundslike_ in the data block.  If the edit distance
     is within the target distance, then add the word to the candidate
     list, otherwise don't.  Let `N' be the position where
     `limit_edit_distance' stopped, (starting at 0).  If `N' is less
     than 6, then skip over any soundslike that have the same first `N
     + 1' letters.  If after skipping over any similar _soundslike_ the
     next _soundslike_ does not have the same first three letters, then
     go to the next entry in the second jump table and repeat step 2,
     otherwise repeat this step with the next _soundslike_.

   The part of skipping over _soundslike_ with the first `N + 1'
letters in step 3 were added in Aspell 0.60.3.  The function
responsible for most of this is found in function
`ReadOnlyDict::SoundslikeElements::next' which is found in file

   The next part will describe how Aspell deals with _soundslike_
lookup when affix compression is involved.

File:,  Node: Part 3,  Next: Copying,  Prev: Part 2 - Quickly Finding Similar Soundslike,  Up: How It All Works

15.3 Part 3

Not written yet.

File:,  Node: Copying,  Prev: Part 3,  Up: Top

Appendix A Copying

Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 Kevin Atkinson.

   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts.  A
copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free
Documentation License".

* Menu:

* GNU Free Documentation License::

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A.1 GNU Free Documentation License

                      Version 1.2, November 2002

     Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA

     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
     of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


     The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
     functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
     assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
     with or without modifying it, either commercially or
     noncommercially.  Secondarily, this License preserves for the
     author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not
     being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

     This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
     works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.
     It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
     license designed for free software.

     We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
     free software, because free software needs free documentation: a
     free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms
     that the software does.  But this License is not limited to
     software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless
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     We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is
     instruction or reference.


     This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium,
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     copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the
     legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual
     works permit.  When the Document is included in an aggregate, this
     License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which
     are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

     If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
     copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half
     of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed
     on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the
     electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic
     form.  Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket
     the whole aggregate.


     Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
     distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section
     4.  Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
     permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
     translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
     original versions of these Invariant Sections.  You may include a
     translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
     Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also
     include the original English version of this License and the
     original versions of those notices and disclaimers.  In case of a
     disagreement between the translation and the original version of
     this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will

     If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements",
     "Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to
     Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the
     actual title.


     You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
     except as expressly provided for under this License.  Any other
     attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is
     void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this
     License.  However, parties who have received copies, or rights,
     from you under this License will not have their licenses
     terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.


     The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of
     the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time.  Such new
     versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
     differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.  See

     Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version
     number.  If the Document specifies that a particular numbered
     version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you
     have the option of following the terms and conditions either of
     that specified version or of any later version that has been
     published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.  If
     the Document does not specify a version number of this License,
     you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the
     Free Software Foundation.

A.1.1 ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
the License in the document and put the following copyright and license
notices just after the title page:

       Copyright (C)  YEAR  YOUR NAME.
       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
       under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
       or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
       with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
       Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
       Free Documentation License''.

   If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover
Texts, replace the "with...Texts." line with this:

         with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with
         the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts
         being LIST.

   If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other
combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the

   If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to
permit their use in free software.

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