IPTABLES-SAVE(8) iptables 1.4.21 IPTABLES-SAVE(8) NAME iptables-save -- dump iptables rules to stdout ip6tables-save -- dump iptables rules to stdout SYNOPSIS iptables-save [-M,--modprobe modprobe] [-c] [-t table] ip6tables-save [-M,--modprobe modprobe] [-c] [-t table] DESCRIPTION iptables-save and ip6tables-save are used to dump the contents of IP or IPv6 Table in eas- ily parseable format to STDOUT. Use I/O-redirection provided by your shell to write to a file. -M,--modprobe modprobe_program Specify the path to the modprobe program. By default, iptables-save will inspect /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe to determine the executable's path. -c, --counters include the current values of all packet and byte counters in the output -t, --table tablename restrict output to only one table. If the kernel is configured with automatic mod- ule loading, an attempt will be made to load the appropriate module for that table if it is not already there. If not specified, output includes all available tables. BUGS None known as of iptables-1.2.1 release AUTHORS Harald Welte <laforge AT gnumonks.org> Rusty Russell <rusty AT rustcorp.au> Andras Kis-Szabo <kisza AT sch.hu> contributed ip6tables-save. SEE ALSO iptables-restore(8), iptables(8) The iptables-HOWTO, which details more iptables usage, the NAT-HOWTO, which details NAT, and the netfilter-hacking-HOWTO which details the internals. iptables 1.4.21 IPTABLES-SAVE(8)
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